perjantai 20. joulukuuta 2019

Talviulkoilusta sävelmänpätkiä

Katso . Tähänastiset tosin vasta pikkupakkasilta ja pari pluskeleiltä, enkä taida niin kamalan taitava olla.Ja aloittelijan lämpimänä pysyminen ja tervehenkinen reippaus ovat vaikeita neuvoa yhtä aikaa,

"A wind makes the skin quickly cold. When you walk against the wind,lift quite often your gloves to shelter the face for a moment, so as to regain warmth to the face. If the wind is at your side, keep most of the time your hand at that side to shelter the head from the wind.

Rising to meet the challenges winter weather sets, brings a healthy spirit and a feeling of well-being.

Ordinary rain of snow, quite warm weather, big flakes

Raining snow, streetlights here and there

Especially children like easily formable snow at 0C, since one can make snow balls from it, but it makes clothes wet. When it is just 0C there is no fear of frost bites, but soon the weather can change to colder, which one notices from the surface of the snow becoming hard and the sense of moisture in the air turning to an icy bite and then there is again the danger of freezing injuries.

If there is on the ground snow mixed with water, one's mood is essentially dependent on whether one's shoes get wet or not. That is why it is good on such days to use big rubber boots with thick woolen socks, or water-proof winter boots.

If you would like to learn to compose music, read from (this text's) May part's beginning the advice on singin spring.

Most Christams songs teach skills for being outdoors in the winter time. For satying warm when it is very much under 0C, Silent night, holy night is maybe the best.

Yesterday I sent this text to the Eskimos, and again the effect is somewhat kkrraahh like.

In this text about the seasons, the melodies about rain of snow mixed with water and about being outdoors in the winter time, I have composed outdoors in order to make staying warm easier to learn."

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Work and feelings

 Written in Espoo  See