torstai 21. marraskuuta 2024

What foreigners want to hear about

 Looking at the picture in the back cover of my book 8. about the Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, after having visited some Eurovision Song Contest page,

it was as if someone had looked at the quite steady unmoving atmosphere of the view from the window with that green plant hanging in the middle of it, and said that they/people want to hear about that person who does not have forces, whose endurancy has run to smaller. But that is not a person. It is the atmosphere of the town Savonlinna in eastern Finland, or some part of that atmosphere. It may be for example the local newspaper Itä-Savo which is much liked by many who want to learn arts and other local professional kinds of skills, or local life. 

In the internet about Itä-Savo in English, see 

Itä-Savon suomenkieliset nettisivut  joiden kautta kai löytyy myös näköislehti eli siis paperilehden sivut internetissä. 


If it is the magnifient view of trees, please read my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" 

Of the green plant hanging in the middle of my window years ago in Savonlinna, I do not know it's name but I think I remember I once saw a picture of such a plant and it was called "kultaköynnös" but I have not earned any money during that time. It grows seemingly endlessly separate new leaves to the end of long branches, and that might be connected with me writing internet blog posts, or the like. It once bloomed with transparent white flowers ln the branches, bringing into mind some ghost, but I do not know what ghost, could it have been connected with some blog of mine or with somebody else's dog somewhere somehow reacted to some blog of mine. Died? 

Of the view I also wrote/ collected from my old texts the book series or blog "A Sorcerer", see .


There was also the old curtain that I had bought from second hand in Savonlinna, and which I thought was actually meant for the elderly. 

Here is a later view with a new curtain 

And of course my blogs are also about skills for happy life etc 


Why do I get stuck to this subject? Does someone want my page i.e. in this subject? 

I do not choose these subjects. There us some pccult problems in this. I need my ordinary life! 


22nd of November 2024    Is the view from the window the only thing my dogs would have mentioned as something they knew just about nothing, since they were 40cm high, and so my dogs would have known the other things in my apartment but of the view from the window people would have needed to ask me. 

A new blog (just my old texts) 

sunnuntai 13. lokakuuta 2024

#82 in Business of Art Reference

 I noticed one of my tens of books having a high sales ranking in one classification: 

"Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, see , was today #82 in "Business of Art Reference", 

Which I guess is because in it was told of tge piece of news saying lits of things stolen from an apartment house, and there was my explanation or guess plus importantly an advice about learning such skills or good sides, and it seemed kind of so liked and valued skill for all ages, especially for children and young but for others too, that it might interest people wanting children of their own. 


If you do not have so much money, there is an ebook version of the book and I have the impression that such are sometimes returnable on some conditions. There is also a free version at 


Even though I haven't noticed my books having sold. 

Now later today 

perjantai 5. heinäkuuta 2024

"A Christmas decoration from straw"

 From , written in Espoo, at the capital district in southern Finland. 

"The charm of capercaillie", Metson pyrstö

These pieces written in Espoo at the capital district in southern Finland. 

 From my blog 

Olease notice that one needs to be in one's grwatly valued place and it's teaditional culture, since the climate, culture's wisdom and the charm of the nature should be such that one is naturally in tune with them, naturally wants to develop toward such a direction very much, kind of feels so in one's heart about all style kinds if things, quality, ways of living, emphazies, etc, which are often factors depending on the climate etc of the lication. 

keskiviikko 3. huhtikuuta 2024

A new blog, and a book "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" + other books to help copying some of the glamour of Savonlinna & wisdom of Finland

 A Sorcerer

A new book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in"

"This book contains advices in skills of creating magnifient views and nice indoors for living. The advices are on a very general level, aimed at people of all ages all over the world. The main advice is to build on choosing things that you like, for example hobbies, favourite areas of life, colour symbolics good for living, fascinating views central in arranging where to watch out from the windows, choosing according to your liked way of life, living where such suits the traditional culture. " 

Somehow glancing through the texts of this book of mine made me feel that it is essential that many would read it. 

In Savonlinna I started writing about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, year around, world-wide, in the modern world, see the book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" at , 

Free ebooks etc at 

And a couple of days ago I wrote to my blog a blog post which made my feel as if someone had said "Circle closes." 

A blog 

sunnuntai 7. tammikuuta 2024

Taiteella ansaitsemisen mahdollisuudesta

 I have written lots of advices in developing in skills, talents and wisdom of life, to my blog thinking of a world-wide audience. I guess some of those could make art which teaches among others things also some of the skills taught in my blog, wanted in the media, etc.


( To be clear, I have not made any art that would have sold. Even my books and booklets haven't sold almost at all, mostly not even one copy. My only attempt at a picture for sale is at . It is in the cover of some of my books. Likewise my only good miracle healing picture is in the cover of some of my books, plus in my healing blogs. 

The melodies that I have composed, are mostly just in my blogs, or then those live a life of their own, resembling some Eurovision song or even claimed to be adopted as an anthem, see .

So mostly I have just written my blogs. And now for over five years this endless pile of texts about skills for living a Christmas gnome or elf like life year around, world wide, in the modern world. And somehow my life has become sleepy and stuck, old content of life dropped away and nothing new that would be an ok choice in sight, yet. )

Anyway, this blog of mine would be worth reading. These skills, talents and wisdom of life are aimed especially for other countries around the world, and these are my own skills etc, taught in my own way, but I am a Finnish speaking Finn, so mostly other Finns do not feel these to be so interesting and new. My strenghts include objective thinking with pictures of wholes, world wide moral and healthy wisdom of life. This blog is very long, over 1700 pieces of text or the like. 

Read for example one of these 

tiistai 2. tammikuuta 2024

Pictures depend on climate preferences and on valuing such things in life

 "  What one considers nice, a thing to aim at, wise often shows in which climate one would suit, enjoy lufe there and consider it wise in a good way and with wisdom of lufe that suits oneself. The cold and cool weathers are good for looking a lot and for looking with the sense of beauty along. So people inclined to such life all the time tend to produce beautiful pictures with lots of details. So if you like some other type of pictures, for example with less details and more social, that is typically a question of climate preferences, of to where you would suit. There are such pictures too, but one ought to searvh for them in connection with cultural traditions of that climate, kind of see the ways of living as wholes. Likewise the emphazies on different areas of life are climate and culture dependent. 

These texts of mine are on a general level just to allow local variation. So ghe pictures are usually much more local, and they depend on me having liked those areas of lufe and so having treated the artifacts well and with good spirit, kind of feeling them kind of precious to me, as parts of the thinfs in my lufe which I had myself chosen. 

From my Christmas gnomes / elves skills blog 

Work and feelings

 Written in Espoo  See