sunnuntai 7. tammikuuta 2024

Taiteella ansaitsemisen mahdollisuudesta

 I have written lots of advices in developing in skills, talents and wisdom of life, to my blog thinking of a world-wide audience. I guess some of those could make art which teaches among others things also some of the skills taught in my blog, wanted in the media, etc.


( To be clear, I have not made any art that would have sold. Even my books and booklets haven't sold almost at all, mostly not even one copy. My only attempt at a picture for sale is at . It is in the cover of some of my books. Likewise my only good miracle healing picture is in the cover of some of my books, plus in my healing blogs. 

The melodies that I have composed, are mostly just in my blogs, or then those live a life of their own, resembling some Eurovision song or even claimed to be adopted as an anthem, see .

So mostly I have just written my blogs. And now for over five years this endless pile of texts about skills for living a Christmas gnome or elf like life year around, world wide, in the modern world. And somehow my life has become sleepy and stuck, old content of life dropped away and nothing new that would be an ok choice in sight, yet. )

Anyway, this blog of mine would be worth reading. These skills, talents and wisdom of life are aimed especially for other countries around the world, and these are my own skills etc, taught in my own way, but I am a Finnish speaking Finn, so mostly other Finns do not feel these to be so interesting and new. My strenghts include objective thinking with pictures of wholes, world wide moral and healthy wisdom of life. This blog is very long, over 1700 pieces of text or the like. 

Read for example one of these 

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Work and feelings

 Written in Espoo  See